Important! The program update should only be used if the game is already installed on the computer being updated.
If you have already installed Dombrov Baseball Sim you can download the program update using the button below. If you haven't installed the game then one of the following should be done first; either with the Purchased Download Edition or by Purchasing the CD.
It also applies to the Free Edition.
Be sure to select the correct download for the computer where it is being installed (Windows or macOS).
Dombrov Baseball Sim - Program Update for Windows
Updated October 21, 2024. Download file size: 170 MB (Build 502)
- Click the button below to download the program update for Dombrov Baseball Sim 2024 Windows. Save the setup file to a typical download folder, making note of where the file was saved.
Note: The program update should only be used if Dombrov Baseball Sim has already been installed on your computer.
Double-click the saved file to run the setup program, following the installation steps shown on the screen.
Note: If prompted by Windows security message, click More Info, then click Run Anyway to install the Dombrov Baseball Sim program/package.
It is highly recommended that you install the program into the default folder destination that is provided by the setup program. (C:Program Files/Dombrov Baseball Sim)
Dombrov Baseball Sim - Program Update for macOS
Updated October 21, 2024. Download file size: 119 MB (Build 502)
- Click the button below to download the program update for Dombrov Baseball Sim 2024 macOS. Save the setup file to a typical download folder, making note of where the file was saved.
Note: The program update should only be used if Dombrov Baseball Sim has already been installed on your computer.
The saved file is a disk image file (DMG) used for the macOS installation. Double-click the DMG file to run the installation program, using the following steps.
Note: For most macOS users the disk image will appear on the desktop. It may be necessary to double-click the disk image icon.
From the disk image folder, Drag and Drop the Dombrov Baseball Sim icon to Applications folder. This will copy the program to your macOS Applications folder.
From the disk image folder, Drag and Drop the Help folder to the Dombrov Baseball Sim folder. This will copy Help file updates from this update so that they can be used with the updated Dombrov Baseball Sim application.
Note: If you are not able to use the drag and drop steps listed above on the Mac here are some alternative steps to copy the Dombrov Baseball Sim update to your Mac computer.
- From the disk image folder, right-click the Dombrov Baseball Sim icon and select Copy. Then double-click the Applications icon, right-click and then select Paste Item.
- From the disk image folder, right-click the Help folder and select Copy. Then double-click the Dombrov Baseball Sim Folder icon, right-click and then select Paste Item.
Dombrov Baseball Sim Release Notes
Version 2024 Build 521 (inclusive of Builds 503-521)
- Enhancement! A new Create Season workflow using data from the Baseball Reference website.
- Enhancement! Added Inter-League Won-Lost records to team/league data, appearing as a new column on the Standings tab on the League Reports screen.
- Enhancement! Added a prompt to generate normalization data if it isn’t available for the year being imported from Lahman or Baseball Reference data.
- Enhancement! Use UTF8 encoding when building player names on various screens, i.e. Game Lineups, Game Play, Score Sheets, Box Scores, etc.
- Fixed issue with fonts and screen objects getting corrupted when returning to Main Menu screen from the Reports screen.
- Adjusted location of the Please Wait banner on the Reports screen.
- Enhancement! A new Create Season workflow using data from the Baseball Reference website.
- Corrected the placement of the push buttons on the Tournament Setup screen from the Scheduler tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Fixed bug where the program would sometimes crash when generating Computer Manager, especially when creating a new season.
- Fixed bug on About window with identifying the M1/M2 processor on Mac computers.
- Improvements to loading various tabs on the Reports screen, pertaining mostly to Windows.
- Resolved an intermittent runtime error that could occur during Game Play with Bunt attempts, Stolen Base attempts, and Manager Decision plays.
- Modified the loading process for several of the tabs on the Reports screen to provide more consistent display and performance.
- Modified the loading process for the Help screens to provide more consistent display and performance.
- Integrated use of StatHead L/R Splits to happen automatically when generating Batter Charts from the Create Season Workflow or individual players from the Player Data tab.
- Modified some of the screens in the Create Season Workflow based on the data source of Lahman database or Baseball Reference website.
- Updated and corrected various parts of the Baseball Reference website import process.
- Added Dombrov Baseball Sim version information to the diagnostic message if there is a crash of the application.
- Updated and corrected various parts of the Baseball Reference website import process.
- Modified the program to use a different approach for the placement of the push buttons on the Tournament Setup screen from the Scheduler tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Fixed bug with an incorrect error message when generating a computer manager during Create Season Workflow or from the Comp Mgr tab on the Team Management/Profile screen.
- Renamed local Lahman database to Lahman-BBRef to indicate the data source is possibly Lahman, Baseball Reference or both.
- Corrected drawing of the tournament brackets for 12-team tourney setup from the Scheduler tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Added ability to restart a tournament from the beginning of the first round by using the Restart button on the Rules/Settings tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Corrected a data incompatibility that could sometimes occur during the Create Season Workflow and coincidentally the Active Season is in Tournament mode.
- Modified the process for reading data from Baseball Reference batting and pitching webpages during the new Create Season workflow using the Baseball Reference website.
- Fixed bug with generating game dates for later rounds of 12-team tourney when creating a tournament from the Scheduler tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Enhanced import of RetroSheet lineups to allow for generally compatible Team IDs used by RetroSheet with Lahman or Baseball Reference data sources (i.e. CHN and CHC, SFN and SFG, NYA and NYY, etc.)
- Improved the error handling if a processing/data error occurs with Import Season or Restore Season from the Tools tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Corrected a bug to ensure first-round bye teams are retained when a tournament is restarted from the beginning.
- Added support for a somewhat different data format when importing schedules from RetroSheet.
- Enhancement! Use UTF8 encoding when building player names on various screens, i.e. Game Lineups, Game Play, Score Sheets, Box Scores, etc.
- Adjusted process for setting default team colors, especially when teams were imported from Baseball Reference website.
- Added prompt to download Lahman/BBRef database for Create Season from Baseball Reference workflow.
- Adjustments were made to sizing the playing field from the Game Lineups and Game Play screen to ensure compatibility with more screen resolutions.
- Tweaks made to importing Baseball Reference batter and pitcher data, based on the new format used by BBRef for these webpages.
Version 2024 Build 502 (inclusive of Builds 483-502)
- Corrected the workflow at end of Quick Play games when it is also the end of the regular season.
- Clarified message when building a replacement website for the Active Season from the Reports screen.
- A minor correction was made to ensure that macOS computers can properly recognize a purchased version of the game vs. the free edition.
- Enhancement! Incorporate Baseball Reference/StatHead data into the Lahman SQLite database, as a new source for importing teams and players (effective with the 2023 season).
- Enhancement! Added L/R batting splits from 2019 to 2023 using StatHead data in the Lahman SQLite database.
- Use UTF8 encoding for player names when importing data from Baseball Reference or StatHead.
- Fixed a bug when playing Quick Play by month and trying to play the last month of the regular season schedule (from the Scheduled Games screen).
- Modified the disclosure messages when importing data from the Lahman SQLite database to include references to Lahman, Baseball Reference, and StatHead.
- Modified the disclosure messages when importing RetroSheet Lineups or Schedules.
- Enhancement! Modernized the default team colors when importing teams from year 2010 to current year.
- Replace the default team logo by using a text-based logo with the team colors instead of the previously used Dombrov logo. (installing the optional image files includes assigned logos for teams).
- Enhancement! Much improved function for assigning home ballparks when importing teams for a season.
- Reorganized the screen on the Rules/Settings tab from the League/Seasons Tools screen to ensure better compatibility across various computer screen resolutions.
- Reorganized the screen on the Profile tab from the League/Seasons Tools screen to ensure better compatibility across various computer screen resolutions.
- Made changes to load the screen more efficiently on the Rules/Settings tab from the League/Seasons Tools screen.
- Modified the function for downloading RetroSheet Schedules to use hosted data from a webpage on the Dombrov website (Scheduler tab on the League/Seasons Tools screen).
- Modified the function for downloading RetroSheet Lineups/Game Logs to use hosted data from a webpage on the Dombrov website (Scheduler tab on the League/Seasons Tools screen).
- Modified the function for downloading RetroSheet Lineups/Game Logs to use hosted data from a webpage on the Dombrov website (Lineups tab on the Team Management/Profile screen).
- Fixed the screen navigation when going to the Reports screen from the Main Menu or Game Play screens.
- Enhancement! Added a push button to assign team logos for all teams in the Active Season from the Rules/Settings tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Enhancement! Added a push button to assign home ballparks for all teams in the Active Season from the Rules/Settings tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Made a correction to selecting a team from the Profile tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Fixed bug with importing probability data for batters and pitchers with the Import Teams function on the Profile tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Updated the Lahman/BBRef SQLite database (hosted on Dombrov site).
- Updated Help sections and screenshots where applicable.
- Fixed various parts of the tourney setup screen (Scheduler tab on the League/Season Tools screen).
- Ensure that please wait banner is displayed during longer running functions from the Tools tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Corrected placement/display of various screens, especially when going to the Reports screen from either the Main Menu or Game Play screens.
- Fixed bug with importing Computer Manager data for teams with the Import Teams function on the Profile tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Made corrections to Batter and Pitcher data for teams with the Import Teams function on the Profile tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Significant improvements to generating Lineups, Depth, Starting rotation, etc. with the Generate Computer Manager function on the Comp. Mgr tab from the Team Management/Profile screen, and also with the Create Season Workflow from the Tools tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Set the Based on Actual Usage default value for the Generate Computer Manager function from the Comp. Mgr tab on the Team Management/Profile screen to be based on the value specified from the Rules/Settings tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Improved performance when loading the Ballpark Settings screen from the Team Profile tab on the Team Management/Profile screen.
- Ensure that lineup data gets refreshed, including the lineup drop-down menu, after using the RetroSheet Lineups function from the Lineups tab on the Team Management/Profile screen.
- Corrected a double-posting scenario to the Score Sheet and Box Score during a walk-off event from the winning run scoring off a Manager Decision result.
- Enhancement! Added button to download and install or replace the Player Image file from the Profile tab on the Player Editor screen.
- Ensure that the Tab bar appears on the League/Season Tools screen with lower screen resolutions.
- Added missing data field to import of Year Effect data during the Import Season function from the Tools tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Corrected the vertical placement of the Save and Close buttons from the various tabs on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Adjustments made to the Computer Manager during Game Play to reduce the number of complete games, especially with modern-era seasons (i.e. 21st century)
- Ensure the Export Reports screen gets closed when the Reports screen is closed.
- Improved error handling if some type of data error occurs with the Active Season.
- Fixed the Close button from the Notable Games screen to close when clicked.
- Ensure that the pitcher’s name is included with the message prompt for a Computer Manager pitcher change during Game Play.
- Clarify the fielding position with the Play-by-Play text message for a lineup change (Human or Computer Manager) during Game Play.
- Enhancement! Allow for incremental build of the website folder when using the Build Website function from the Reports/Export Reports popup screen.
- Corrected the Game Results folder placement of the Cascade Style Sheet (CSS) file when saving Box Scores and Score Sheets in HTML format from tournament games.
- Added a right-click function to display full text of truncated fields from the Scoresheet screen during game play.
- Made adjustments and corrections to clarify use of the Ghost Runner during extra-inning play when that options is active from the Rules/Settings tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Added a “please wait” banner to the Reports screen when clicking the Game Results tab and there are lots of games completed (i.e. towards end of season).
- Significant improvements were made to game play animation to provide a smoother flow to many of the game play results.
- Improved performance when loading the Player Data tab from the Player Editor screen.
- Ensure that the Pitcher Type is correctly derived and saved when importing individual players from the Lahman/BBRef database via the Create Player function on the Roster tab of the Team Management/Profile screen.
- Made corrections/adjustments to the toggle functions when using Full Screen mode during Game Play.
Version 2024 Build 482 (inclusive of Builds 462-482)
- Improvements were made to the game play animation, especially with hesitation that sometimes occurred during ball movement. Also, reduced possibility of erratic ball movement for some play results.
- Additionally, animation is improved for certain play results during game play, with additional updates pending in future program updates.
- Fixed the animation for a HBP result during game play.
- Enhancement: improved granularity between standard and full screen display during game play.
- Enhancement: added option to minimize select objects on screen when using full screen mode during game play. This provides better visibility of the play result animation, and minimized objects can still be displayed by hovering mouse over the object thumbnail.
- Improved the placement of screen objects on the game play screen, especially with Team Chart or Player Card modes.
- Corrected the display of vsL and vsR columns for batters when using Player Card mode for game play.
- Fixed the game flow to indicate a strikeout when consecutive 2K results (foul) occur with a bunt attempt.
- Improved placement of manual dice dropdown when using this option during game play.
- Fixed display of game play screen when returning from the Settings screen. This was primarily applicable to macOS.
- Made tweaks/fixes to the Import Teams function on the Profile tab from the League Rules/Setting screen.
- Corrected the error handling process with the Import Retrosheet Schedules function on the Scheduler tab from the League Rules/Setting screen.
- Fixed error handling process for various other functions, i.e., team lineup errors during Quick Play and displaying Reports.
- Slightly increased size of the player list on the Game Lineups screen for pitchers or position players to alleviate truncation issues on some computer models.
- Added a Pitcher Type column (starter or reliever) when listing available pitchers from the Game Lineups screen.
- Minor enhancement – display the position that made a fielding error when an Error play result occurs during game play.
- Improvements and minor enhancements to the Import Teams from Excel screen, including optional support for certain ratings, i.e., BB/SO, Pitcher Stamina, etc.
- Corrections made to screens for viewing Team Charts, Probability Charts, Statistics, when clicking the View buttons from various screens in the program.
- Better handling of lineup errors that occur when using Quick Play for a range of scheduled games.
- Updated the function to import Retrosheet schedules, from the Scheduler tab on the Leagues/Season Tools screen to a somewhat more streamlined process.
- Added new Getting Started and About Dombrov Baseball sections to Help files.
- Added information for the optional add-on rules to the Legacy Docs Help section. These options are set from the Rules/Settings tab on the Leagues/Season Tools screen.
- Improvements and clarifications were added to various Help sections throughout the program.
- Made corrections to the content of the Normalization Dropdown menu used when importing Lahman data during the Create Season Workflow.
- Ensure that DH is properly applied when DH Rule for Entire League is set from the Rules/Settings tab on the League/Season Tools screen.
- Ensure that pitcher fielding stats get collected when importing teams/players from the Lahman database.
- Include all active roster players when perusing the team for a specific position from either the Game Lineups screen or the Lineups tab on the Team Management screen.
- Made a correction to determining starting pitcher name while importing scheduled lineups from RetroSheet (only happened in certain conditions).
- Revised the diagnostic message that occurs if an unexpected application error occurs from the program (hopefully a very rare event).
- Added a ding sound to various error or warning messages throughout the program.
- Improved the handling of displaying various errors or warning messages throughout the program.
- Improved screen navigation in various places throughout the program.
- Improved the process of assigning teams to leagues or divisions during the Create Season workflow.
- Added flexibility/functionality for making changes to League or Division alignments within existing seasons from the Profile and Leagues/Divisions tabs in the League/Season Tools screen.
- Added ability to paste data into text field screens throughout the program.
- Ensure that the program accepts the enter (return) key whether the standard keyboard or keypad is used.
- Fixed a bug with the Reports screen where it was sometimes not returning to correct previous screen.
- Added a warning prompt when entering the Player Data tab and the Active Season is a chart only season (i.e. doesn’t use actual player statistics).
- Added a warning prompt when entering the Player Lahman Import flow and the Active Season is a chart only season (i.e. doesn’t use actual player statistics).
- Clear data fields when toggling between batting and pitching data in the Player Data screen.
- Enhancement! Added a Print button to Help pages (Windows only).
- Enhancement! Added a Print button to the Reports screens (Windows only).